Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mini Research #5 Examples in Media, 10/28

Mini Research #5

The only example I thought of regarding children’s literature in the media was in the movie and TV series, Sex and the City. The main character, Carrie, has pursued the evasive, aloof Mr. Big since the beginning of the series. His extreme wealth and good looks place him into the Prince Charming role. In the final episode, he rescues Carrie from and ill-fated romance and brings her back to New York to live with him.

In the movie, Carrie plans an over the top wedding that never culminates because Mr. Big is a no show. He gets cold feet from the wedding pressure and decides to split. Carrie is destroyed and runs off to Mexico with her friends. While reading her friend’s daughter Cinderella, she jokes that “another one bites the dust.” Meaning that another girl has fallen for the dream of being rescued by the perfect mate. In the end, Mr. Big comes to his senses and decides to pursue Carrie once again. This time around they have a simple courthouse wedding and live a fairy tale happy ending.


Daphne said...

This was interesting for me to read, Jenn. Having missed the class where she discussed this assignment, I wasn't sure exactly what she was looking for, but this helps a lot (even if it doesn't contain a spoiler warning ;) Thanks!

KS said...

I just watched this movie again this weekend! I also noticed that when Carrie finishes reading Cinderella to Charlotte's daughter she says, "You know this isn't real, right?". I would agree the story line with Carrie and Big does play off a fairy tale. I think it is countered though with the relationship between Samantha and Smith.

Eloise said...

First of all I think it is funny that she says "this isn't real" and yet the end result is that she does end up with prince charming...so they kind of send contradictory messages. On the other hand, I would have been upset had they ended the movie any differently!
If you wanted to look at the alternative to Cinderella in the story, i guess you really have to look at Samantha's story. She has her Prince Charming and realizes that her happy ending is to be alone...interesting that it was that actress that played red ridinghood in the commercial we watched the other day...
What this really shows is that we all watch way too much Sex and the City!